PEACE with Penny

Hanukah Family

Anti-Semitism is the discrimination against, prejudice or hostility toward Jews. Why didn’t they just call it Jew-hatred―no need for interpretation. Perhaps that is the point, let’s whisper amongst ourselves, with a knowing wink. Wilhelm Marr, known as the Father of modern anti-Semitism popularized the term and was a German agitator and publicist, who merely needed to look in the mirror to know what it meant. But that is a word, Jews have suffered from anti-Semitic actions for centuries.

Not calling it an obvious name might have caused some people to look past the word because they don’t know what it means. But if you are Jewish and live in fear of being attacked, have been spat on, hit with a brick, shot, stabbed or your family or friends have (these are vile and violent acts that are currently used in the United States, Israel has a longer list), it is relevant. And if you are one of the majority of good, kind people in this world, you care as well.

And I didn’t want to forget the dishonorable mention, Zoombombing which is when synagogues have their online services interrupted by people spewing and typing horrific anti-Semitic hate speech including, “KILL ALL JEWS,” “HEIL HITLER,” and drawings of swastikas..

And then there are Jews who would prefer to believe these incidents of attacking Jews is an anomaly―after all, they have been able to get an education, work hard, live comfortably, and achieve success. I don’t want to believe it either, and prefer to believe I am being paranoid, but? Sorry, when Hitler’s henchmen dragged the Jews off to be exterminated, your level of success or education did not matter, you were included too.

And just like Black people are demanding a closer look at systemic racism, shouldn’t we open our eyes wider? We are not a race, though Hitler to achieve his own desires, called us that―we are a religion. And we have faced many of the atrocities that Blacks have from slavery to quotas and not being allowed in so many places. Sadly, we are kindred spirits of similar experiences.

It hurt my heart recently when I was listening to the news and an African-American mother was talking about having to soon, “Give my son ‘the talk,’” and she wasn’t speaking about the birds and the bees, she was talking about how to behave to try and avoid police brutality.

In our homes, it is about anti-Semitism. Visualize some Orthodox parents telling their kid who wears a yarmulke on his head to cover it with a baseball cap as he walks to school, or answering questions as to why we now have armed guards at our synagogues.

Recently, there have been some unapologetic verbal attacks in the news against Jews by some Black rappers like Ice Cube and Wiley. I was grateful for the defense from former basketball players Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Charles Barkley:

“After all, if it’s OK to discriminate against one group of people by hauling out cultural stereotypes without much pushback, it must be OK to do the same to others. Illogic begets illogic.” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

“I don’t understand how you beat hatred with more hatred.” Charles Barkley

Oh, BTW, there is something else called anti-Judaism which is defined as hostility, opposition, and a sense that it is inferior, toward the Jewish religion. This is an attack against the religion, anti-Semitism is against the person. Oy. Unfortunately, there is too much hate in this world to go around.

Jews being blamed for the troubles in the world is nothing new. There are only 16 million Jews worldwide, making up 0.2% of the global population. In the United States there are more Jews, totaling about 2.2% of the population.1 I think we can all agree we comprise a small minority. The idea that we could somehow try to rule the world with those numbers is preposterous and those beliefs are spread to incite hate.

There have been so many stories in the news and I wondered if it was time for me to write an article about anti-Semitism again, after all, it was only January 2020 when I had written, “American Jews are Feeling the Fear and Pain of Israelis.”

But it seemed that stories of attacks and blame and divisiveness were mounting. I decided, given the approaching election and the preponderance of anti-Semitic incidences, that I needed to say something more. I wondered how the current atmosphere compares with when Hitler was coming to power.

Christopher Browning has been described as “one of America’s most eminent and well-respected historians of the Holocaust.” He specializes in the origins and operation of Nazi genocide.2 In 2018, he warned “that democracy here is under serious threat, in the way that German democracy was prior to Hitler’s rise—and really could topple altogether.”3

Disturbingly, his main line of comfort was that, “Trump is not Hitler and Trumpism is not Nazism.” The biggest and most important difference is that Hitler was an open and ideological opponent of the idea of democracy, whereas neither Trump nor the GOP wants to abolish elections.”

Oops, two years later, and between the accusations of Russian election interference last election, Trump suggesting a delay in the election and already denigrating mail-in ballots before the vote for President this year, I wondered what Browning would say today to comfort us. Or would he be able to?4

Anti-Semitic incidents in the United States hit an all-time high in 2019, but dipped slightly in California, according to a report released May 12, 2020 by the Anti-Defamation League.5

U.S. incidents of antisemitism swelled to 2,107 last year. The ADL began tracking these statistics in 1979, and this was the most ever recorded. Although incidents in California dipped 3% from 2018 to 2019, the state experienced a 56% increase in such incidents during the three-year period ending last year.6

And we’re all familiar with the attack on the Chabad of Poway in San Diego County on April 27, 2019 killing one, the attack on a Jewish grocery store in Jersey City, New Jersey, on Dec. 10, 2019 killing three, and the knife-wielding man who raged into a rabbi’s Hanukkah party in Monsey, New York, resulting in four injuries and one fatality Dec. 28, 2019.7

But plenty is happening already in 2020 worldwide. These incidents were recorded in July 2020 alone:

  • Chile: The mayor of the city of Recoleta employed an antisemitic canard by claiming Zionists control the media.8
  • France: The leader of left-wing France Unbowed party used an age-old antisemitic trope accusing Jews of killing Jesus.9
  • Germany: Graves and tombstones at a Jewish cemetery in Worms were desecrated.10
  • Malaysia: Former Prime Minister Mahatir Mohamad continued his history of antisemitism by proclaiming that “the Jews… own all the newspapers in America.”11
  • Poland: On numerous occasions during Poland’s presidential campaign, Poland’s State TV asserted that Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski, a candidate, would take money from Poles and give it to Jews. This is for reparations from the Holocaust.12 He was attacked by Polish reporters asking why he did “not fight for the Polish interest” against claims by Jewish groups.” Shameful. It demonstrates that some in Poland after over seventy years have not changed their thinking toward Jews and what is fair.13

Sadly, there are so many politicians in so many countries espousing anti-Semitic ideas that it is scary. As we have also seen with systemic racism in the United States, just because you pass laws, it doesn’t necessarily change everyone’s mind―the beliefs that created the need for the laws are much more insidious, and there is no magic wand to wave to get rid of them.

There has been a scandal waging in the Labour Party in England as it has been under scrutiny for many in the party being accused of anti-Semitism during Jeremy Corbyn’s election as leader beginning in September 2015. He was recently replaced by Keir Starmer who acknowledged the need and vowed to tackle anti-Semitism within his ranks.14

In 2019, nine Labour Party MPs (Members of Parliament) who were assigned to investigate complaints of anti-Semitism within the party, quit in protest due to the pervasive anti-Semitism and Jeremy Corbyn’s blockade to clean it up.15

Ms. Luciana Berger, one of the nine, explained:

“This has been a very difficult, painful, but necessary decision.”…“We represent different parts of the country, we are of different backgrounds, we were born of different generations, but we all share the same values.”16

She said Labour had become anti-Semitic and she was “embarrassed and ashamed” to stay.17

Their complaints were broadcast by the BBC in a program called “Is Labour Antisemitic?” The former Labour officials accused Corbyn and his associates of “thwarting their efforts to take disciplinary action against party members guilty of antisemitism. Some even claimed to have been driven to the brink of suicide by an organizational culture that Corbyn had permitted to take root.”18

The BBC reported that “they criticized the party’s handling of anti-Semitism complaints, and sued the party when it issued a statement describing them as having “personal and political axes to grind.”19 The court case was settled and now remains the back and forth of opinions―if settling was a mistake or not.20

I hope you are sitting down for this. The latest outrageous conspiracy theory is that the Jews are being blamed for the COVID-19 virus! Dr. Daniel Freeman, a professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Oxford, and the lead researcher on a recent study found that more than one in five English people (the study was done in England) believe Jews are causing the pandemic.21

The sickening, false conspiracy theory for COVID-19 has taken many shapes. Jews were blamed for the Black Plague, leading to the slaughter of Jewish communities from 1348 to 1351. Once again Jews are being blamed for the plague. Here are some of the false claims being spread:

  • Jews are behind the pandemic.22
  • Jews are trying to destroy the economy to make money.23
  • Jews or Israel invented the virus.24
  • Iranian television claimed that “Zionist elements” made a deadlier strain of the virus to use against Iran.25
  • Israel was “waging biological warfare on a massive scale” by somehow inventing and spreading the virus.26
  • The pandemic was part of “Zionism’s goals of decreasing the number of people” worldwide.27
  • In France, a far-right politician, in Spain a far-left Basque political party, a far-right commentator in Switzerland, and two far-left writers in Venezuela blamed Jews for causing the coronavirus.28
  • Neo-Nazis in the United States have been falsely claiming that coronavirus is a Jewish plot and have encouraged adherents to try and infect Jews deliberately with the virus to make them sick.29
  • Jews are using this virus as a means for profit,”30
  • Jews manufactured COVID-19 and are going to take advantage of the markets collapse through insider trading.”31
  • A guest on Turkish television said “Jews, Zionists have organized and engineered the novel coronavirus as a biological weapon just like bird flu” to “design the world, seize countries and neuter the world’s population.”32
  • The coronavirus is a conspiracy between Jews and Zionists and the so-called Deep State to take down US President Donald Trump.33
  • Jews created the coronavirus virus to sell vaccines.34

One strange sideline to COVID-19 and anti-Semitism is that an Israeli university professor named Dr. Dan Yamin claims to have discovered that the “algorithm he used to detect the spread of coronavirus, he is an expert in detecting the spread of infectious virus outbreaks, can also stop the spread of viral anti-Semitism on social media. He calls it the “Iron Dome of Social Networking.”35

It is named after Iron Dome, the weapon Israelis use to blow up Palestinian missiles in the sky before they can land and do their intended damage. On our trip to Israel in 2014, I considered Iron Dome to be my B.F.F.―it kept us safe and I am forever grateful. I believe Iron Dome is the hero of my book, “BLASTED from COMPLACENCY: A Journey from Terror to Transformation in Israel.”  

The “Iron Dome of Social Networking” however, is designed to identify and track anti-Semitic content that has the potential to go viral in terms of social media. They are calling it the “Iron Dome” of virtual and viral epidemics. Dr. Yamin explains that people who pass on tweets without overthinking are similar to asymptomatic carriers of infectious disease. Many Twitter users inadvertently pass on information with overt or covert anti-Semitic messages.36

And Jewish stereotypes and disgusting lies still abound and have for centuries. How would you like your people to be portrayed as less than human―as pigs, rats, and cockroaches? As agents of Satan, demons with horns that sacrifice humans, eat babies, and use human blood for our rituals.37

BTW, the story about Jews having horns dates back to Medieval times. It derives from a mistake in the Latin translation from a passage in Exodus:38

And the children of Israel saw Moses’ face, that his skin became karan, and Moses put the veil back upon his face, until he went in to speak with God.39

Scholars say that in Hebrew karan means radiance, and was mistranslated by St. Jerome as keren, which means “horn” in Hebrew. This mistake unfortunately was carried forward by many artists including famous ones like Michelangelo and Donatello.40

One statue that Michelangelo created is a relief in the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives.41 While the inappropriateness of many civil war statues are being taken down for valid reasons, I’d vote that this one of Moses with horns be replaced as well. Depicting Moses, one of the most well-known Jewish figures in the world as some sort of devilish figure due to an erroneous interpretation and displaying it in our halls of freedom is egregious.

Of course, there are always claims about Jews, money, and the control of banks. It is even contended that they control the Federal Reserve. However, the Federal Reserve is a government entity, overseen by Congress, and run by a Board of Governors, which is a government agency.42

Some accusations are just mean, that we are greedy and cheap. Are some folks? Of course, but it isn’t an affliction caused by their religion. Are there significant numbers of Jews in finance and banking? Yes.

In the Middle Ages, Jews were not allowed into the professional guilds, could not own land and were confined to ghettos. Christians believed that charging interest was a sin and so they did not become financiers. The Jews stepped into that void (of course they did, they needed jobs to eat) and so started the preponderance of Jews dealing with money providing retail peddling, hawking, and moneylending. The fact that Christians believed charging interest was sinful started the thinking that Jews were immoral and engaged in business practices that decent people refused.43

Another possible explanation for Jews working in fields associated with the complexities of handling money was the Jewish emphasis on education. Since the destruction of the temples and the beginning of the Diaspora, for Judaism to survive, there was a need for religious literacy. It was believed that those who were educated remained Jews, and those who were not schooled, assimilated.44

Still today, education is revered as part of our culture. 63% of Jews in the United States, have college or more advanced degrees, which is approximately twice the average.45 In most companies, the higher positions are filled by the more educated people. Perhaps the visibility of these positions adds to the distortions in people thinking we have more control than is fact.

And there are some very wealthy Jews, just like in all religions. Their wealth did not buy them freedom from prejudice. The Rothschilds are a multinational family, who are Jewish and are world-famous wealthy bankers as well as huge investors in real estate, oil, and construction.46

Since the Battle of Waterloo, they have been accused of world domination conspiracy theories. A fallacious, anti-Semitic pamphlet was written by an anonymous writer using the moniker, Satan called, “Roi de Joifs, (King of Jews),” was filled with anti-Semitic slurs, and was translated into many different languages.47

According to the British newspaper The Independent, the screed has been “used in a 1934 Hollywood film, the 2009 Sebastian Faulks novel A Week in December; in past editions of the Dictionary of National Biography and Encyclopaedia Britannica; in Elizabeth Longford’s acclaimed 1970s biography of the Duke of Wellington; and (with a very different analysis) in Niall Ferguson’s authorised history of the Rothschilds. Perhaps more predictably, the story provided the plot for a Nazi film of 1940 entitled “The Rothschilds: Shares in Waterloo,” and the tale can be read on many anti-Semitic websites.48

Another rich Jew, George Soros has been blamed for multiple conspiracy theories. Soros is a Holocaust survivor, billionaire, author, and philanthropist. He has donated $32 billion dollars;49 you would think that would be a positive topic.

Opposition against Soros for years has been no joke. Recently, he was blamed for financially sponsoring the protests against the killing of George Floyd. The conspiracy theory spread by prominent voices on the political right, including pundits with millions of followers, newscasters on Fox and Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor.50 Negative Soros tweets in May 2020 tracked by the Anti-Defamation League changed from 20,000 to 500,000 per day.51 Even President Trump got into the fray:




In a previous conspiracy theory that was spread by right-wing social media posts, it falsely alleged that Soros was financing the migration of immigrants to the United States. Soros received a pipe bomb in the mail. “Inside the bubble-wrapped envelope was a photo of Soros, marked with a red “X”. Alongside it, a six-inch plastic pipe, a small clock, a battery, wiring and a black powder.53

Cesar Sayoc, was charged with mailing pipe bombs to Soros and other prominent critics of President Donald Trump. The bombings were then repudiated by the right-wing media as “fake news,” even though the police and FBI had been called to disarm it. The Trump supporters claimed the story was intended to derail President Donald Trump and Republicans two weeks before the crucial United States mid-term elections.54

Beyond the Rothchilds or George Soros, conspiracy theories have been spread about Jews for centuries. One example is the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”  Early in the 20th century, a fraudulent document reported a series of meetings between some Jews and Freemasons. In the meetings they were purported to plan to disrupt Christian civilization and build a world state under their joint rule. Liberalism and Socialism were the means of subverting Christendom and if it failed, all the capitals of Europe would be sabotaged. Besides English, the pamphlet was translated into Russian, German, and French and still raises its ugly anti-Semitic head.55

Through the centuries, Jews have suffered an ugly history. They have been blamed without cause, had their property stolen from them, been expelled from numerous countries, and anti-Semitism has resulted in violence that escalated to murder many times.

In the modern timeline there was the Holocaust where six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis. Another outrageous lie proliferated is by Holocaust deniers―that Jews fabricated the Holocaust. The purpose of denying the Holocaust is best explained by one of their own leaders.

On July 24, 1996, Harold Covington, leader of the National Socialist White People’s Party, explained:

“Take away the Holocaust and what do you have left? Without their precious Holocaust, what are the Jews? Just a grubby little bunch of international bandits and assassins and squatters who have perpetrated the most massive, cynical fraud in human history…”56

According to the Museum of Tolerance, “Holocaust denial is an updated version of an alleged Jewish conspiracy in which Jews use lies and extortion to gain advantage of everyone else. The common denominator to all Holocaust deniers is anti-Semitism.57

This ‘big-lie” is especially painful for Holocaust survivors and all those who lost loved ones to Nazi mass murder who are confronted by people who deny their suffering and loss.”58

And then there is always Israel and Zionism that is a favorite target. Often, comments cross the line into anti-Semitism. The Soviet refusenik turned Israeli politician Natan Sharansky sets the boundary that is crossed from anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism by applying “the three D’s”: delegitimization, demonization, and subjecting Israel to a double standard.59 This would be to say, for example, that Israel doesn’t have the right to exist, it is an evil country or when other nations do what is normal such as defending themselves against missiles shooting into their country, Israel is told to not strike back.

 Why is it that Israel, such a tiny nation, gets so much press and is looked at under a microscope, yet other countries in the Middle East are ignored? This is not to say that what Israel does is always right and could not be handled differently. It is that how the Palestinian refugees are treated by their Arab brethren rarely makes the news. And the positives that Israel does for the Palestinians is treated as a big secret, and when they do something right for others, it often is not discussed either.

For instance, with the horrible explosion in Lebanon Israel immediately offered humanitarian assistance, even though Lebanon is considered an enemy. So far, no reply. Israel also offered help to Turkey in 2011, and Iran and Iraq in 2017, following earthquakes.60

And as far as helping the Palestinians in Israel with the Corona virus, Israel is the only ones who are both aiding the West Bank and even assisting Gaza―despite the missiles and incendiary balloons that Gaza delivers to Israel. Test kits and tons of disinfectant have been delivered by Israel to the Palestinians. Neither Egypt nor Lebanon have helped them―but it was not expected.61

After over 70 years, Dr. Mohsen Saleh, Director-General of the Zaitouna Center for Studies in Beirut, said that “Lebanon treats their Palestinian refugees the worst. Lebanon has kept the Palestinians in refugee camps where they are deprived of many of their economic and human rights, including working in certain professions, procedural complications in obtaining work permits, and denial of the right to own property.”62

Khaled Abu Toameh, an award-winning journalist writes, “Egypt, for its part, long ago abandoned the Palestinians by essentially sealing its border with the Gaza Strip. The Lebanese, Egyptians and most Arabs perceive the Palestinians as Israel’s problem.” No wonder Palestinians feel abused and abandoned by their brethren.63

This article was a painful, but I feel a necessary one for me to write. As a Jew, I feel it is my responsibility not to just sit back and watch what happens to our people. I imagine it also was hard to read―hopefully due to the content, and not the writing. I hope you take away at least one thing you did not know before and take some time to pause and think about what I have written. Require of yourself to at least be more aware.

This is a troubling story of a minority, the Jewish people. There are many minorities, each unfortunately with their own disturbing stories to tell. It is our responsibility to take the time to learn and do better. Treat others as you yourself would want to be treated. It is a simple rule, with deep meaning.

May you live in Peace, שלום, سلام,

I invite you to Join Me on My Journey…


1 By: Isa-Lee Wolf, “What Is Antisemitism? (History, Tropes, And Misconceptions),” RantMedia, July 20, 2020,

2 By Zack Beauchamp, “A leading Holocaust historian just seriously compared the US to Nazi Germany,” Oct 5, 2018,

3 By Zack Beauchamp, “A leading Holocaust historian just seriously compared the US to Nazi Germany,” Oct 5, 2018,

 4 By Zack Beauchamp, “A leading Holocaust historian just seriously compared the US to Nazi Germany,” Oct 5, 2018,

5 By Deepa Bharath, ”U.S. anti-Semitic incidents surge to all-time high in 2019, ADL report shows,” Orange County Register, May 12, 2020,

6 By Deepa Bharath, ”U.S. anti-Semitic incidents surge to all-time high in 2019, ADL report shows,” Orange County Register, May 12, 2020,

7 By Deepa Bharath, ”U.S. anti-Semitic incidents surge to all-time high in 2019, ADL report shows,” Orange County Register, May 12, 2020,

8 “Global Antisemitism: Select Incidents in 2020,”ADL,

9 “Global Antisemitism: Select Incidents in 2020,”ADL,

10 “Global Antisemitism: Select Incidents in 2020,”ADL,

11 “Global Antisemitism: Select Incidents in 2020,”ADL,

12 “Global Antisemitism: Select Incidents in 2020,”ADL,

13 By Cnaan Liphshiz, “Presidential hopeful would give in to Jews on Shoah restitution, Polish TV warns,” The Times of Israel, June 17, 2020,

14 “Labour Split: Nine MPs quit in protest at the party’s leadership,” BBC, February 22, 2019,

15 Labour Split: Nine MPs quit in protest at the party’s leadership,” BBC, February 22, 2019,

16 Labour Split: Nine MPs quit in protest at the party’s leadership,” BBC, February 22, 2019,

17 Labour Split: Nine MPs quit in protest at the party’s leadership,” BBC, February 22, 2019,

18 Labour Split: Nine MPs quit in protest at the party’s leadership,” BBC, February 22, 2019,

19 Labour Split: Nine MPs quit in protest at the party’s leadership,” BBC, February 22, 2019,

20 By Justin Schlosberg, “The Labour Party Was Wrong to Apologize to Jeremy Corbyn’s Critics,” Jacobin, July 23, 2020,

21 By Dr. Yvette Alt Millerprint, Millions are Blaming Jews for Coronavirus,”, May 27, 2020,

22 By Dr. Yvette Alt Millerprint, Millions are Blaming Jews for Coronavirus,”, May 27, 2020,

23 By Dr. Yvette Alt Millerprint, Millions are Blaming Jews for Coronavirus,”, May 27, 2020,

24 By Dr. Yvette Alt Millerprint, Millions are Blaming Jews for Coronavirus,”, May 27, 2020,

25 By Dr. Yvette Alt Millerprint, Millions are Blaming Jews for Coronavirus,”, May 27, 2020,

26 By Dr. Yvette Alt Millerprint, Millions are Blaming Jews for Coronavirus,”, May 27, 2020,

27 By Dr. Yvette Alt Millerprint, Millions are Blaming Jews for Coronavirus,”, May 27, 2020,

28 By Dr. Yvette Alt Millerprint, Millions are Blaming Jews for Coronavirus,”, May 27, 2020,

29 By Dr. Yvette Alt Millerprint, Millions are Blaming Jews for Coronavirus,”, May 27, 2020,

30 By Eric Cortellessa, “Conspiracy theory that Jews created virus spreads on social media, ADL says,” The Times of Israel, March 14, 2020,

31 By Eric Cortellessa, “Conspiracy theory that Jews created virus spreads on social media, ADL says,” The Times of Israel, March 14, 2020,

32 By Eric Cortellessa, “Conspiracy theory that Jews created virus spreads on social media, ADL says,” The Times of Israel, March 14, 2020,

33 By Eric Cortellessa, “Conspiracy theory that Jews created virus spreads on social media, ADL says,” The Times of Israel, March 14, 2020,

34 By Eric Cortellessa, “Conspiracy theory that Jews created virus spreads on social media, ADL says,” The Times of Israel, March 14, 2020,

35 By Yakir Benzion, Israeli Creates ‘Anti-Viral Iron Dome’ to Stop Outbreaks of Jew-hatred,” United With Israel,

36 By Yakir Benzion, Israeli Creates ‘Anti-Viral Iron Dome’ to Stop Outbreaks of Jew-hatred,” United With Israel,

37 By Isa-Lee Wolf, “What Is Antisemitism? (History, Tropes, And Misconceptions),” RantMedia, July 20, 2020,

38 Gordon-Bennett, Chaviva. “Top 5 Myths About Jews and Judaism.” Learn Religions, Feb. 11, 2020,

39 Gordon-Bennett, Chaviva. “Top 5 Myths About Jews and Judaism.” Learn Religions, Feb. 11, 2020,

40 Gordon-Bennett, Chaviva. “Top 5 Myths About Jews and Judaism.” Learn Religions, Feb. 11, 2020,

41 Gordon-Bennett, Chaviva. “Top 5 Myths About Jews and Judaism.” Learn Religions, Feb. 11, 2020,

42  by: Isa-Lee Wolf, “What Is Antisemitism? (History, Tropes, And Misconceptions),” RantMedia, July 20, 2020,

43 By My Jewish Learning, “Jews and Finance,”

44 By My Jewish Learning, “Jews and Finance,”

45 2019 Brandeis University, Steinhardt Social Research Institute, American Jewish Population Project,

46 By Brian Cathcart,“The Rothschild Libel: Why has it taken 200 years for an anti-Semitic slur that emerged from the Battle of Waterloo to be dismissed?,” Independent,  May 3, 2015,

47 By Brian Cathcart,“The Rothschild Libel: Why has it taken 200 years for an anti-Semitic slur that emerged from the Battle of Waterloo to be dismissed?,” Independent,  May 3, 2015,

 48 By Brian Cathcart,“The Rothschild Libel: Why has it taken 200 years for an anti-Semitic slur that emerged from the Battle of Waterloo to be dismissed?,” Independent,  May 3, 2015,

49Why is billionaire George Soros a bogeyman for the hard right?” BBC NEWS, September 7, 2019,

50 By Joel Swanson,  “Blaming Soros for protests, the right exposed its anti-Semitism-again,” The Forward, June 2, 2020,

51 “ADL: There Are Now 500,000 Negative Tweets About George Soros Every Day. Many Claim He’s Funding George Floyd Protests,” Vos Is Neias, June 3, 2020,      

52 “ADL: There Are Now 500,000 Negative Tweets About George Soros Every Day. Many Claim He’s Funding George Floyd Protests,” Vos Is Neias, June 3, 2020,      

53 “Why is billionaire George Soros a bogeyman for the hard right?” BBC News, Septermber 7, 2019,

54″Why is billionaire George Soros a bogeyman for the hard right?” BBC News, Septermber 7, 2019,

55 Written by The Editors of Encyclopeaedia Britannica, “Protocols of the Elders of Zion “fraudulent document,”

56 “What is Holocaust Denial,” Museum of Tolerance,

57 “What is Holocaust Denial,” Museum of Tolerance,

58 “What is Holocaust Denial,” Museum of Tolerance,

59  By Gary Rosenblatt,  Is It Still Safe to Be a Jew in America?, The Atlantic, March 15, 2020,

60 By Times of Israel Staff, “Israel’s offer of aid to Lebanon is normal, minister says, as some question help,” Times of Israel, August 5, 2020,

61  By Khaled Abu Toameh, “Israel Helps Palestinians Prevent Coronavirus; Arabs Betray Them,” The Gatestone Institute, March 16, 2020,

62  By Khaled Abu Toameh, “Israel Helps Palestinians Prevent Coronavirus; Arabs Betray Them,” The Gatestone Institute, March 16, 2020,

63  By Khaled Abu Toameh, “Israel Helps Palestinians Prevent Coronavirus; Arabs Betray Them,” The Gatestone Institute, March 16, 2020,

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