PEACE with Penny

PEACE with Penny SEASON 5: Opening episode Penny S. Tee interviews Brian Reeves of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), October 3, 2023

Brian Reeves, ALLMEP Director of Development & Regional Advocacy

PEACE with Penny SEASON 5: Opening episode Penny S. Tee interviews Brian Reeves of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), October 3, 2023 PEACE with Penny SEASON 5: Opening episode Penny S. Tee interviews Brian Reeves of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), October 3, 2023 October 9, 2023 PEACE with Penny SEASON… Continue reading PEACE with Penny SEASON 5: Opening episode Penny S. Tee interviews Brian Reeves of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), October 3, 2023

PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Presents the ALLMEP GALA “Meeting the Moment,” January 10, 2023

ALLMEP Gala "Meeting the Moment"

PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Presents the ALLMEP GALA “Meeting the Moment,” January 10, 2023 PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Presents the ALLMEP GALA “Meeting the Moment,” January 10, 2023 January 10, 2023 PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Presents the ALLMEP GALA “Meeting the Moment,” January 10, 2023 Another year is beginning and PEACE with… Continue reading PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Presents the ALLMEP GALA “Meeting the Moment,” January 10, 2023

PEACE with Penny SEASON 4 OPENING VODCASTS, Part II Penny S. Tee Interviews Hands of Peace High School Student Peace Activists, September 20, 2022, Part II of 4-PART SERIES

Hands of Peace

PEACE with Penny SEASON 4 OPENING VODCASTS, Part II Penny S. Tee Interviews Hands of Peace High School Student Peace Activists, September 20, 2022, Part II of 4-PART SERIES PEACE with Penny SEASON 4 OPENING VODCASTS, Part II Penny S. Tee Interviews Hands of Peace High School Student Peace Activists, September 20, 2022, Part II… Continue reading PEACE with Penny SEASON 4 OPENING VODCASTS, Part II Penny S. Tee Interviews Hands of Peace High School Student Peace Activists, September 20, 2022, Part II of 4-PART SERIES

Ali Abu Awwad, a Palestinian Non-violent Peace Activist

Ali Abu Awwad

Ali Abu Awwad, a Palestinian Non-violent Peace Activist Ali Abu Awwad, a Palestinian Non-violent Peace Activist December 3, 2020 “Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me.”       Jill Jackson-Miller and Sy Miller Ali Abu Awwad, is a Palestinian non-violent Peace activist. Surprised? Yes, we usually hear about Palestinians that… Continue reading Ali Abu Awwad, a Palestinian Non-violent Peace Activist

A Solution for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

The 2021 Israeli-Palestinian Joint Memorial Day Ceremony

A Solution for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? A Solution for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? July 12, 2020 I’m not kidding, this is another organization in Israel called A Land for All movement, working on Peace (last time I wrote about Anahnu) between the Israelis and Palestinians. Somehow, with all the talk of impending annexation, I felt like… Continue reading A Solution for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?