PEACE with Penny

James Malinchak: The Guru of Marketing, Public Speaking and Savior for Authors

Penny S. Tee with James Malinchak

James Malinchak: The Guru of Marketing, Public Speaking and Savior for Authors James Malinchak: The Guru of Marketing, Public Speaking and Savior for Authors December 19, 2017 For the last three years as I’ve been writing my manuscript, I’ve heard the horror stories… feed your soul’s journey, but don’t expect to make any money by… Continue reading James Malinchak: The Guru of Marketing, Public Speaking and Savior for Authors

The Role Writing Communities Play in a Writer’s Life

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the role writing communities play in a writer’s life. It seems contradictory, because as writers we spend so much time alone in our own worlds frolicking amongst the convolutions of our minds. But that may be the point — sometimes we just need to rub elbows with our writing buddies.… Continue reading The Role Writing Communities Play in a Writer’s Life