PEACE with Penny

PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Yehuda Stolov of Interfaith Encounter Association, November 8, 2022

PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Yehuda Stolov of Interfaith Encounter Association, November 8, 2022 PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Yehuda Stolov of Interfaith Encounter Association, November 8, 2022 November 9, 2022 PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Yehuda Stolov of Interfaith Encounter Association, November… Continue reading PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Yehuda Stolov of Interfaith Encounter Association, November 8, 2022

PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee Interviews Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed, New Director of the Arava Institute of Environmental Studies.

Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed, Director of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies

PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee Interviews Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed, New Director of the Arava Institute of Environmental Studies. PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee Interviews Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed, New Director of the Arava Institute of Environmental Studies. July 21, 2021 PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee Interviews Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed, New… Continue reading PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee Interviews Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed, New Director of the Arava Institute of Environmental Studies.

Israel—The Issue Isn’t Religion, It’s a Fight for Land

Peace, שלום, سلام,

Israel—The Issue Isn’t Religion, It’s a Fight for Land Israel—The Issue Isn’t Religion, It’s a Fight for Land February 24, 2019 I was so excited and honored on Shabbat recently when I attended another event with an organization called Roots-Shorashim-Judur. It is a non-profit that fosters “a grassroots movement of understanding, nonviolence and transformation among… Continue reading Israel—The Issue Isn’t Religion, It’s a Fight for Land

Welcome 2019!

Welcome 2019! Welcome 2019! January 23, 2019 Happy New Year! I’m so excited about starting 2019 and I hope you are too! It’s a tradition for me to look closely at the previous year, and plan for the new year. I always enjoy making a vision board as a reminder for what I’d like to… Continue reading Welcome 2019!

Israel: The Complex Story is Never Thoroughly Told Merely by Looking at the Surface

Penny S. Tee, Charlotte Korchak and USC Hillel students

Israel: The Complex Story is Never Thoroughly Told Merely by Looking at the Surface Israel: The Complex Story is Never Thoroughly Told Merely by Looking at the Surface December 16, 2018 Share this post I had so much fun attending USC’s Hillel JAA Speaker’s Series: “Israel Today: A Geopolitical Update” and listening to the speaker,… Continue reading Israel: The Complex Story is Never Thoroughly Told Merely by Looking at the Surface

Be the Hero of Your Own Story

Michael Ashley

Be the Hero of Your Own Story Be the Hero of Your Own Story October 8, 2018 I recently attended Publishers and Writers of Orange County, and boy do I love being around other authors and writers! The cornucopia of the talent combined with the depth of knowledge of the speaker Michael Ashley really caught… Continue reading Be the Hero of Your Own Story

Winning Amazon Ads and Book Cover and Title Snafus

Anna-Marie Abell

Winning Amazon Ads and Book Cover and Title Snafus Winning Amazon Ads and Book Cover and Title Snafus August 11, 2018 I recently attended an informative talk on winning Amazon ads given by Anna-Marie Abell.  Anna-Marie’s credentials are exceptional. Between her being an author, accomplished presenter, marketing and advertising expert, and successful businesswoman, I was… Continue reading Winning Amazon Ads and Book Cover and Title Snafus

Celebrating Israel’s 70th Anniversary with A Celebration of My Own!

Flag of Israel

Celebrating Israel’s 70th Anniversary with A Celebration of My Own! Celebrating Israel’s 70th Anniversary with A Celebration of My Own! April 21, 2018 Shabbat Shalom, I’m feeling truly blessed. I’m very excited—not only is this Israel’s 70th Anniversary, I just finished my manuscript for my book, “Peace in Israel, A Tale of Terror and Transformation!”… Continue reading Celebrating Israel’s 70th Anniversary with A Celebration of My Own!

Texas Shooting to Israel — Trapped by Terrorism

Texas flag at half mast

As readers of my website know, Israel is often on my mind. The growing similarity to what we’re reading in the news lately — gives me pause. Headlines too often in Israel — not the United States, are car rammings, shootings and bombings. Now, Palestinian-styled terrorism has been exported to the U.S. With the church shootings Sunday,… Continue reading Texas Shooting to Israel — Trapped by Terrorism

Jerusalem 101: The Puzzle — Part IV


What do I mean by Jerusalem the Puzzle? Jerusalem is like a Russian nesting doll — each doll is unique, impacted by the next doll’s proximity and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The geographical puzzle piece is sacred to three religions — Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Not that each of these individual faiths can… Continue reading Jerusalem 101: The Puzzle — Part IV

What do Israel and Charlottesville Have in Common? Facing Anti-Semitism

As I watched the tragic scene of the car crashing into the crowd of counter-protestors in Charlottesville, for a minute I thought I was looking at another Palestinian car ramming in Israel — one of the latest weapons of choice over the last few years to kill Jews. There have been 60 Israelis murdered by Palestinians… Continue reading What do Israel and Charlottesville Have in Common? Facing Anti-Semitism

Concerns that Israel is Facing the Third Intifada are Put on Hold For Now


Thankfully the resounding answer to my question in my last blog, “Jerusalem 101 Part III: Friday, Will Muslim and Jewish Prayers End in Violence?” is NO.  After the weeks of violence, and the metal detectors and cameras being removed — the following Friday night, important to both Jews and Muslims passed quietly. Thank God, the… Continue reading Concerns that Israel is Facing the Third Intifada are Put on Hold For Now

Jerusalem 101, Will the Tinderbox Catch Fire? Part II

Israel, the Western Wall

Last week I blogged about Jerusalem 101, Trying to Understand a Complicated City – Part I  This week it was my intention to continue on with Jerusalem 101, Jerusalem the Puzzle – Part II. Now barring any more new calamities, it will be Part III. On Friday, two Israelis were murdered. Increased tensions are assured… Continue reading Jerusalem 101, Will the Tinderbox Catch Fire? Part II