PEACE with Penny

What is Anti-Semitism? Let’s Be Clear―It’s Hating Jews

What is Anti-Semitism? Let’s Be Clear―It’s Hating Jews What is Anti-Semitism? Let’s Be Clear―It’s Hating Jews August 6, 2020 Anti-Semitism is the discrimination against, prejudice or hostility toward Jews. Why didn’t they just call it Jew-hatred―no need for interpretation. Perhaps that is the point, let’s whisper amongst ourselves, with a knowing wink. Wilhelm Marr, known… Continue reading What is Anti-Semitism? Let’s Be Clear―It’s Hating Jews

We Owe Cleaning Up This Mess to “GiGi,” George Floyd’s Daughter

We Owe Cleaning Up This Mess to “GiGi,” George Floyd’s Daughter We Owe Cleaning Up This Mess to “GiGi,” George Floyd’s Daughter June 4, 2020 As a mother, hearing George Floyd cry out “Mama” as he breathed his last breaths, ripped through my heart. We are supposed to protect our kids, no matter how old,… Continue reading We Owe Cleaning Up This Mess to “GiGi,” George Floyd’s Daughter