PEACE with Penny

Happy Holidays!

Penny S. Tee putting prayer in Western Wall

Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! December 23, 2020 For our family, Hanukah is over and for many of my friends, they are still going through the frenetic pace of preparing for their holiday. I wish everyone the best of love and kindness. It has been a rough 2020. Yet there were some lessons learned that I… Continue reading Happy Holidays!

Israel’s Pioneering Impact on Global Food, Water and Energy Security

Israel’s Pioneering Impact on Global Food, Water and Energy Security

Israel’s Pioneering Impact on Global Food, Water and Energy Security Israel’s Pioneering Impact on Global Food, Water and Energy Security November 22, 2020 I am such a geek. This article is about what I learned and researched afterwards at the 2020 Jewish National Fund Virtual National Conference and this session was on “What’s in Store… Continue reading Israel’s Pioneering Impact on Global Food, Water and Energy Security

Hunger in 2020―It Shouldn’t Be

Photo Taken by Tubu Hto Naw

Hunger in 2020―It Shouldn’t Be Hunger in 2020―It Shouldn’t Be October 29, 2020 Are you puzzled like I am as to why in 2020 we still have hungry people in the world? It is a problem that has bothered me for many years. In Israel, with the Jewish National Fund’s help, they are doing something… Continue reading Hunger in 2020―It Shouldn’t Be

COVID-19 When Preventing Others’ Death Became Too Inconvenient

Mt. Herzyl Cemetery

COVID-19 When Preventing Others’ Death Became Too Inconvenient COVID-19 When Preventing Others’ Death Became Too Inconvenient October 14, 2020 Sorry, I have to get this off my chest. Then we’ll see what’s happening in Israel and the United States regarding COVID-19. There’s actually some positive news regarding the disease in Israel, at least as far… Continue reading COVID-19 When Preventing Others’ Death Became Too Inconvenient

The Corona Virus Seems to Be Crossing Our Continent Like Jaws

Corona Virus

The Corona Virus Seems to Be Crossing Our Continent Like Jaws The Corona Virus Seems to Be Crossing Our Continent Like Jaws March 18, 2020 It seems like the soundtrack to Jaws is playing in the background of all our lives. Do you remember that scary incessant quickening sound, da duh, da duh, da duh,… Continue reading The Corona Virus Seems to Be Crossing Our Continent Like Jaws