PEACE with Penny

PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Kher Albaz from AJEEC-NISPED, an Arab-Jewish Peace organization, May 2, 2023

Kher Albaz - Co-Executive Director - AJEEC-NISPED

PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Kher Albaz from AJEEC-NISPED, an Arab-Jewish Peace organization, May 2, 2023 PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Kher Albaz from AJEEC-NISPED, an Arab-Jewish Peace organization, May 2, 2023 May 2, 2023 PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Kher Albaz from… Continue reading PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Kher Albaz from AJEEC-NISPED, an Arab-Jewish Peace organization, May 2, 2023

PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Gal Mosenson of Ein Bustan, the first intercultural Jewish-Arab Waldorf school in Israel that is a bilingual and multicultural nursery and kindergarten. January 17, 2023

Ein Bustan

PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Gal Mosenson of Ein Bustan, the first intercultural Jewish-Arab Waldorf school in Israel that is a bilingual and multicultural nursery and kindergarten. January 17, 2023 PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Gal Mosenson of Ein Bustan, the first intercultural Jewish-Arab Waldorf school in… Continue reading PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Penny S. Tee Interviews Gal Mosenson of Ein Bustan, the first intercultural Jewish-Arab Waldorf school in Israel that is a bilingual and multicultural nursery and kindergarten. January 17, 2023

PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee interviews Eran Avidor an Israeli settler and Peace activist.

Eran Avidor, Peace Activist

PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee interviews Eran Avidor an Israeli settler and Peace activist. PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee interviews Eran Avidor an Israeli settler and Peace activist. March 23, 2021 PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee interviews Eran Avidor an Israeli settler and Peace activist. He lives in Kibbutz Naaran in… Continue reading PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee interviews Eran Avidor an Israeli settler and Peace activist.