Peace in the Middle East—There is hope!
Good news…PEACE with Penny SEASON 5 is celebrating their 3rd Year Anniversary!
Ready to listen to voices of hope? The greatest disservice regarding the Middle East, is that violence from both sides is reported ad infinitum, which has resulted in the world believing that Peace is impossible, but it’s not true. There have been pockets of Peace (I always capitalize Peace, it’s too important), in the Middle East for years, but you must know where to look.
On PEACE with Penny, we provide the platform to share the work of Peace organizations whose members are Israelis and Palestinians who work together on Peace. Would you rather fill your time with the heartache of war or the comfort of committed Peacemakers?
In Tuesday’s episode, we will celebrate our 3rd Anniversary of PEACE with Penny. Whohoo! 2024 will be an exciting year filled with new opportunities and most importantly new interviews with activists working in organizations for Peace. Folks willing to set aside their very valid grievances, some who’ve even lost children to the conflict, and realize retaliation can’t bring their loved ones back, and they move forward working with one another to try and make their neighborhoods safe to live in. Even during war when emotions are high, we know Israelis and Palestinians want Peace! Peace is the only means to an acceptable future, that makes sense, the only solution that can bring the violence to an end.
The organizations we interview work hard every day to move closer to achieving Peace at the grassroots level. Why not join us as we recap many of the Peace organizations that we’ve been privileged to speak with this past year? How have they been impacted by the war?
These NGOs approach Peace from many different angles: medicine, the environment, music, art, communication, education, academia, women’s rights, sports, language, health and interfaith dialogue, even using cartoons, sometimes concentrating on specific communities, and for all ages, adults, or kids, with education in schools and in summer camps trying to reach everyone including the younger generation who will be tasked with trying to solve this mess.
The government leaders on both sides seem to have different priorities, and shamefully neither seems to have the health of their people as their highest obligation. It’s been a decade now that I’ve been working on Peace, which seems unbelievable! I love what I do and consider it a privilege to speak with these incredible Peacemakers. Besides writing “BLASTED from Complacency: A Journey from Terror to Transformation in Israel,” and becoming a Jewish National Fund speaker, three years ago, I started PEACE with Penny and built a platform to get the word out that there is hope and Peace is possible.
Even during a war, hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians work together toward a future where their kids can play safely in their backyards. PEACE with Penny is happy to share the stories of the essential Peace work that these organizations provide, and we have a library of over 100 interviews that can be found on our YouTube Channel or at under Podcasts. It was my teacher, Jean Houston’s, idea. She’s a world-renowned public figure, author of over thirty books, and a leading authority in the human potential movement. Because of her teachings, I was able to take my dream and make it a reality. As she would say, “The Universe will dream a bigger dream for you than you can imagine!”
Does war make it harder? Of course, but thankfully, it’s not impossible. Do all members of these organizations continue to work together during these times? No, but many do. Some are grieving, others on both sides, have had to leave their homes searching for safety. Many have been called into the military, or are filling in the gaps, of jobs abandoned to defend their country. And the Peace organizations say that getting the word out that people on both sides want Peace, is more important than ever.
We hope you can join us on January 30th and celebrate PEACE with Penny’s 3rd Anniversary. If you’ve missed any PEACE with Penny episodes, you can always see the recordings on our PEACE with Penny YouTube channel, or our website, under podcasts.
Last week’s episode was about Abdel Rahman Sultan of EcoPeace Middle East, who combines saving the environment with working on Peace, and both ultimately save lives.
There’s always something interesting to learn while watching PEACE with Penny. Thank you for listening, subscribing to the PEACE with Penny vodcast, and sharing it with people who care about Peace in the Middle East.
May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.
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