PEACE with Penny

PEACE with Penny

Shabbat Shalom

Who are you?

A Loyal Friend

Who Stands With Your Ally &

Counsels difficult observations

In Their time of need?

Or, a liar, ignoring

Inconvenient truths

Even when the Price

Might be Death?

Choose Wisely & Empathetically

May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.…

#Israel War; #Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; #antisemitism; #Gaza; #BREAKING NEWS


PEACE with Penny SEASON 5 Penny S. Tee, article October 18, 2023

2023 Latest Antisemitic Trope Spewed During the Israel War

Note: Sorry, I also prefer my topics of Peace between Israelis and Palestinians, but I write what’s on my mind, and this needed to be said. I apologize for not putting out our usual interview at PEACE with Penny yesterday. We’re busy changing with the times, as quickly as we can. War has a way of making people adapt. Look soon for an interview of Roots-Shorashim-Judur, a Peace organization we’ve interviewed several times through the years, about what it’s like to be an organization of Israelis and Palestinian Peace activists, when war breaks out. Oy.

It has been claimed that Israel shot a missile into Gaza City’s al-Ahli hospital, which was packed with patients and Gazans taking refuge on hospital grounds. However, the IDF showed proof with videos, that it wasn’t them, and besides they were not doing any bombing in that area.

Instead, it was a Hamas missile that misfired and killed 500 of their own people. Even Al Jazeera, showed on video, that it was Hamas. Biden also verified Israel was not to blame, and when asked how he knew, he replied, “the data I was shown by my Defense Department.”1 That’s good enough for me, how about you?

Result: Immediate blaming of Israel for the strike without proof. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan’s King Abdullah II announced they were pulling out of a planned Arab summit Wednesday with President Joe Biden. Thanks for your support, President Biden.

Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, and other Arab nations condemned the hospital attack, or declared days of national mourning. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi declared the hospital explosion “a clear violation of international law … and humanity.”

It’s important to blame the correct party for such horrific incidents. While it’s understandable to condemn the hospital attack, it’s also important to acknowledge that Hamas was responsible for it.

It’s worth noting that not all Arabs or Palestinians feel the same way about Israelis or Jews. It’s the extremists who rile up others to attack Israel or Jews for no reason. The calls for Jihad against Jews are getting louder and louder, making attending synagogue in the United States feel like going to an armed camp. Why do we have to feel like we are risking our lives to go pray? And where is the outcry from friends that enough is enough?

I wonder if the Egyptian President will still feel the hospital explosion violates international law and humanity now that it was proven that Hamas accidentally bombed their own people?

More Arabs were provoked to attack Israel or Jews for the hell of it, with cries for Jihad in so many Arab countries surrounding Israel. It’s a very rough neighborhood for the only, mostly Jewish state. So many Jews moved to Israel because they felt it is the only safe place for them to live in Peace. Oops.

Oh wait, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, is outraged at the inhumanity? Did you know that the “Pay for Slay” Policy of the Palestinian government is still in force? What the Palestinian government does with 8% of their budget, a staggering $300 million annually (approximately NIS 1 billion), accounting for a substantial 8% of the PA’s budget, to fund this program2.…Latest recipients: The perpetrators of the October 7th massacre against Israelis that started this war!

According to the Palestinian Media Watch the Palestinian Authority will immediately pay nearly $3 million to the families of slain Hamas terrorists who slaughtered Israeli civilians in Gaza border communities on Oct. 7.3

If you are unfamiliar with the “Pay for Slay” Policy, the P/A pays any terrorist or their families (if they blow themselves up or are killed) who kills Jews a salary the rest of their lives. The more Jews killed, the higher the salary. Sounds so impossible that in 2023, such a policy would exist, but it does, and has for years until this day. It sickens me to write about it once again. When will the U.S. and international community demand an end to it once and for all?

To some Palestinians, who are poor and live a very harsh life, it’s the best job in town…they go to heaven, their families will be supported the rest of their lives, they will be celebrated, and they will be honored to have schools named after them. What could be better? But then again, you must die for your families to collect. There are however other options of crimes against Jews with just a go to jail penalty where you can still collect these salaries. We all love to have options, don’t we?

Again, I apologize, this isn’t my usual hopeful commentary, but I wanted you to know if you hadn’t heard. May the victims rest in Peace and the perpetrators get what they deserve.

May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.…

1 “Biden in Israel Says ‘Other Team’ Appears Responsible for Gaza Hospital Blast,” US News, Susan Milligan, October 18, 2023

2 ”US Congress Demands Action to End Palestinian Authority’s ‘Pay-for-Slay’ Scheme,” Conflict and Defense, Kasturi Chakraborty, 3 months ago.

3 PA to immediately reward families of Oct. 7 terrorists with nearly $3 million,” JNS Jewish News Syndicate, October 17, 2023.

#Israel War; #Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; #antisemitism


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