PEACE with Penny

Ein Bustan

Penny S. Tee of PEACE with Penny, interviewed Gal Mosenson of Ein Bustan, the first intercultural Jewish-Arab Waldorf school in Israel that is a bilingual and multicultural nursery and kindergarten.

The founders of Ein Bustan share a vision of a society in which Jews and Arabs live together peacefully in equality and understanding. They believe in order to create this reality, there must be education that fosters true friendship, trust and shared culture and language. The kindergarten and growing community center are taught in both Hebrew and Arabic, and are based on traditional arts and crafts, holidays and customs from Christian, Druze, Jewish and Muslim traditions.

Ein Bustan educates children from a diverse array of socio-economic, religious and cultural backgrounds. The children come from Kiryat Tivon, (a Jewish town) and the surrounding Bedouin (Arab) villages Hilf and Bosmat Tab’un. The families and faculty of Ein Bustan believe that children deserve to grow up in an environment enriched with the religious and ethnic folklore and traditions surrounding them.

Gal Mosenson’s association with Ein Bustan started in 2012 when her daughter went to school there and has worked at Ein Bustan since 2014 and is in charge of Fundraising, and Public Relations. Hear how these children are starting out their lives living together in Peace. If only all children in Israel could do the same. Amen.

If you’ve missed any PEACE with Penny episodes, you can always see the recordings on our PEACE with Penny YouTube channel or at our website at under podcasts.

Thank you and May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.

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