At PEACE with Penny we spoke with Ellen Shimberg of Project Rozana. They are an organization that works on Peace through the medical community. Daily in their work, they save Palestinian and Israeli lives. Project Rozana is building Bridges to Peace through healthcare by partnering Palestinian doctors and nurses in joint educational ventures with Israeli Doctors and Nurses to advance skills. You’ll also hear about Project Rozana’s
Women4Women program that sends female medical teams into remote Palestinian villages to provide healthcare to communities with limited access to medical services and “Wheels of Hope” a cross border collaboration between volunteer Israeli and Palestinian drivers to transport Palestinian children for care at Israeli hospitals. At PEACE with Penny, we think these are the stories that should be in the news, don’t you?
Ellen Shimberg, is the US Director of Development and Communications for Project Rozana. She has over 20 years’ experience in the non-profit space with much of her work in development/fundraising and strategic operations with particular emphasis on marginalized and under-served communities. She has conducted interfaith workshops on building trust, supporting aging in place, and interactions with disenfranchised youth. Ellen is a Board member and active volunteer with Heroic Gardens, a female-led Veteran support organization, and Disability Pride, Pa., a disability rights organization. She is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We hope you can join us. Hear how the empathy embodied throughout Project Rozana empowers Israeli medical professionals to help their Palestinian brethren and through these efforts, help move toward Peace.
You can always see the recordings on our PEACE with Penny YouTube channel or at our website at under podcasts.
Thank you and May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.-
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