PEACE with Penny SEASON 4: Part IV, Penny S. Tee Interviews Hands of Peace Jewish Israeli and Palestinian Participants, Discuss Living in a War Zone, June 27, 2023, Part IV of 4-PART SERIES
We’ll conclude with the PEACE with Penny, Hands of Peace series, Part IV, and we’ll be looking closely at what it’s like to live like a Jewish Israeli or Palestinian. We’ll hear directly from Jewish Israelis and Palestinians about their experiences during 2014, May 2021 and the current violence (this was toward the end of 2022). Unfortunately, now in June 2023, once again, tensions are high.
I know when we took our infamous trip to Israel in 2014, I had no idea what it truly was like to live in terror or live with the possibility of missiles exploding, shootings, stabbings, car rammings and incendiary devices floating past my front door. In the brief two weeks we were there, I learned that running to bomb shelters, and feeling the percussion of the missiles overhead was not something I wanted to get used to, or for that matter, ever experience again.
We see horrible scenes on our tv sets, but it’s very different when you live there and the impact it has on your psyche knowing that at any time you could be in what is a combat zone. Many people block it out of their minds.
What is it like to live in an area where it’s likely that many, if not most people suffers from P.T.S.D.? When you have to raise your kids to recognize the emergency sirens, run to the nearest bomb shelter where you have to bed down for the week. Or explain to your children that they have to leave their friends again and move because their home is being demolished for the second time. Oy.
And yet there are many Peace organizations of Israelis and Palestinians like at Hands of Peace who do work on Peace. We just don’t hear about them on our 6 o’clock news. Believe it or not, there is still hope.
If you missed Part I,
Part II,
or Part III,
you can catch up, at the above links, or see any other PEACE with Penny episodes by watching the recordings on our PEACE with Penny YouTube channel or at our website at under podcasts.
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Thank you and May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.
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