Welcome as our 2nd Year at PEACE with Penny begins! What better way to celebrate PEACE with Penny’s second year, than with the next generation? Unfortunately, we’ve burdened them with an ugly war, between Palestinians and Israelis with no end in sight. Perhaps their first lesson is, life is not fair. Admittedly, we didn’t get it right—can they? We sincerely hope so! These kids, have the energy and drive to give it a shot, and guides at Hands of Peace to help them understand the experiences being shared.
Penny S. Tee interviewed Scott Rasmussen, Executive Director of Hands of Peace, where they empower American, Israeli and Palestinian youth to become agents of change. How do they do this? Each summer, Hands of Peace brings American, Israeli, and Palestinian youth together in Chicago and San Diego for a three-week experience. In dialogue sessions led by professional facilitators from the Middle East, the teens learn about “the other,” they share complicated and sometimes painful stories about the conflict, and explore peaceful solutions to foster equality, freedom and justice. The participants stay with host families in the local areas and are provided a homey atmosphere forming friendships that can last a lifetime. After the summer program, they are encouraged to join the 700 Hands of Peace alumni for additional engaging leadership experiences.
Hands of Peace is helping teach these teens how to make a difference! Amen. We hope you will enjoy listening to a story that provides hope for all of our futures.
Thank you and May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.
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