Since the beginning of PEACE with Penny, we’ve been having a great time learning about so many Peace organizations, filled with Israelis and Palestinians and others who want Peace within the region. Amen. We’re always telling you that there are so many people working on Peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and we thought that it would be fun to show you by doing a recap of those that we’ve had the honor of speaking to during SEASON 3.
Peace between Israelis and Palestinians is worked on from many different creative angles including, but not limited to: conservation, environment and sustainability, from women’s perspectives, to Peace movements, using sports, music, art, language, health and interfaith dialogue, even using cartoons, sometimes concentrating on specific communities, and for all ages, adults, or kids, in schools, with education, and in summer camps trying to reach everyone including the younger generation who are tasked with trying to solve this mess.
As you can see, many people are working very hard to improve the lives of Jews, Arabs and Palestinians in the Middle East, promoting cooperation, and PEACE with Penny strives to get the word out that there is hope for Peace in the region.
We hope you wll watch while we review all of the incredible people representing creative, dedicated organizations that we’ve had the fortune to speak with during SEASON 3. You can see any of the interviews on our website at under podcasts or on the PEACE with Penny YouTube Channel. For ease of access to SEASON 3 episodes, see the listing below.
What will we be doing during our hiatus? We’re already busy preparing for SEASON 4 starting September 13th. During summer we’ll be rebroadcasting some of the episodes to showcase Peacemakers who work using many different avenues to help create understanding and move toward Peace.
We’ll also be asking for some feedback from you, trying to make the show even better. At PEACE with Penny, we strive to educate, and that means ourselves too. We hope you haven’t noticed too much, but we’re learning too how to do a vodcast better and want to do the best job possible to provide hope for Peace. The folks we interview deserve for people to know about them and we’re trying to learn how best to accomplish that. Any ideas, or if you could, please share our episodes. Thanks!
We hope to have you join us, and for now, our prayers continue to go out to the people of Ukraine and others suffering from gun violence, or ? As always, we hope that someday Everyone will Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.
ALL EPISODES OF PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S. Tee interviews Israeli and Palestinian Peacemakers FINAL EPISODE Recap of SEASON 3 Peacemakers PEACE with Penny Hosts the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP) Gala PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S Tee Interviews Steve Kalishman, of Citizen Diplomacy Initiatives PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Part I, Khalil Sayegh & Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger of Roots-Shorashim-Judur PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Part II, Khalil Sayegh & Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger of Roots-Shorashim-Judur Questions and Answers PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S.Tee Interviewed Phil Saunders, Founder of Path of Hope and Peace. PEACE with Penny SEASON 3 Penny S Tee Interviews Roi Silberberg, Director of the School for Peace PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S Tee Interviews Kher Albaz, Chairman, AJEEC-NISPED PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S Tee Interviews Jamal Alkirnawi Founder of A New Dawn in the Negev PEACE with Penny SEASON 3 Penny S.Tee Interviews Netta Loevy, Itach Ma’aki Women Lawyers for Social Justice PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S Tee Interviews Esther Hertzog SHIN -Israel Movement for Equal Representation of Women PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S. Tee Interviews Rabbi Yonatan Neril, Founder & Executive Director of The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S Tee Interviews Yuval Ben David of EcoPeace Middle East 5/10/22 PEACE with Penny SEASON 3 Penny S. Tee interviews Ezzeldeen Masri of OneVoice Movement PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S.Tee Interviews Israel Piekrash, CEO Anahnu Movement, 01/25/22 PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S.Tee Interviews Scott Rasmussen, Executive Dir. of Hands of Peace PEACE with Penny SEASON 3 Penny S Tee Interviews Rev Porter, Founder of Jerusalem Peacebuilders PEACE with Penny SEASON 3:Penny S Tee Interviews Dr. Goldfield Founder of Healing Across the Divides PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S. Tee Interviews Jane Krivine & Lee Wilson, Tennis for All PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S.Tee Interviews Rabbi Elhanan Miller, People of the Book PEACE with Penny Season 3: Friendship Across Difference: Imam Abdullah Antepli & Maital Friedman PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S.Tee Interviews Shepha Vainstein, of reGeneration Education, President PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Part I: Penny S. Tee Interviews Hadas Gottlieb, Principal at the Eastern Mediterranean International School (EMIS) in Israel PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S Tee Interviews an Israeli & a Palestinian Student from Eastern Mediterranean International School (EMIS) in Israel
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