Path of Hope and Peace

PEACE with Penny SEASON 3: Penny S.Tee interviewed Phil Saunders, Co-Founder of Path of Hope and Peace January 18, 2022

After the scary hostage crisis in Texas, speaking with Phil Saunders, Founder of Path of Hope and Peace, did give me hope. Working together with shared goals opens doors and hearts. Peace works!

Hearing about Israelis and Palestinians working on Peace together was so encouraging during our PEACE with Penny SEASON 3 episode, as Penny S. Tee interviewed Phil Saunders, Founder of Path of Hope and Peace, January 18, 2022.

We at PEACE with Penny believe in Peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Why? Because it is the only future that will work. On January 18th, we shared some examples of Israelis and Palestinians working together today, in the West Bank. Connections between Peacemakers in the Israeli town of Tzur Hadassah and the Palestinian town of Husan. Friendships building between the Palestinian village of Wadi Fukin and the Israeli city of Beitar Illit. Today, they are strong communities forging the way to what can be Israel’s future. Curious? What happened in May during the skirmishes? We’ll show you. Necessity can breed cooperation. Peace begets Peace. Amen. We hope you enjoy the interview and May All Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.