PEACE with Penny

Uriya Rosenman, Peace Activist and Educator

PEACE with Penny SEASON 2 : Penny S. Tee interviews Uriya Rosenman, Star Rapper and Writer of “Let’s Talk Straight” performed with partner “Saz” Zakout, December 7, 2021, 11AM Pacific Time

This was a different type of interview this time. We spoke with Uriya Rosenman, a Jewish Israeli who wrote a popular rap song called “Let’s Talk Straight,” and performs it with Sameh “SAZ’ Zakout, a Palestinian. It’s patterned after the song by Joyner Lucas’ song “I’m Not Racist.” The YouTube rap video shows two men, one Israeli and one Palestinian, hurling insults at each other. You might hear the same on any street or at a holiday dinner with relatives. Knowing what the other thinks of them is required understanding to begin to work on Peace.  It went viral. In fact, they just came out with another rap called Munfas.

Have you ever wondered what a rapper, or for that matter, what anyone meant by what they said? Do you understand the nuances of how an Israeli or a Palestinian might portray one another?  We’re going to be working on Peace by going through the words that Uriya Rosenman wrote in “Let’s Talk Straight,” with the artist, himself. The song demonstrates both narratives from an intense perspective.

The rap is in Hebrew and Arabic, with English subtitles. We found the subtitles helpful, but not useful enough. But amidst the English words are reasons why there is not Peace in Israel today. We apologize in advance for the foul language—we expect it will be the least of what will make you cringe.

We thought it would be beneficial to get into the nitty gritty of the rap and talk about the not so nice opinions of many Israelis and Palestinians about one another. We think it will provide a provocative education, and a probably painful, but necessary step toward Peace.

We hope you will join us! Let u know what you think, it’s important. Your thoughts matter too!

Thank you and May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.

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