PEACE with Penny SEASON 2: Penny S.Tee interviews Bishop Emeritus Dr. Munib Younan, November 30, 2021 It was a great honor to speak with Bishop Emeritus Dr. Munib Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, on our PEACE with Penny interview. His reconciliation work is not only between Palestinians and Israelis, but also amongst the religions of the world!
The acknowledgment of his work between Lutherans and Catholics in being presented with the 2019 Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award, an award presented by the Diocese, speaks volumes about his dedication to helping unite these religions in cooperation. Co-founding the Council of Religious Institutions in the Holy Land expands the united front even further, to all of the Abrahamic religions. He promotes Peace today, with the admonition not to wait another thirty years. I agree, don’t you?
It is not possible to list all of the achievements of Bishop Younan, but we will name a few. Keep in mind in so many of these positions, he was the first Palestinian to achieve this office.
Notably, In July 2010, Bishop Younan was elected President of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), an organization that represents 145 churches in 79 countries around the world representing 70 million Christians.
Bishop Younan translated the Augsburg Confession into Arabic and published it in 1993. This book is the main doctrines of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
He is a co-founder of the Council of Religious Institutions in the Holy Land, made up of the two chief rabbis of Israel, heads of the local churches, the Chief Judge of the Islamic Court in Palestine and other Muslim leaders.
In October 2016, with Pope Francis and the Lutheran World Federation General Secretary the Rev. Martin Junge, he co-hosted the common worship service commemorating 500 years of the Reformation. Pope Francis and Bishop Younan signed the historical reconciliation between Lutheran and Roman Catholic Churches.
He’s cofounded and worked with organizations throughout the world recognized as a leader to improve working together in the interests of Peace, interfaith dialogue and gender justice issues in Palestine and Israel.
Bishop Younan is the author of two books, “In Witnessing for Peace: In Jerusalem and in the World” and “Our Shared Witness: A Voice for Justice and Reconciliation.”
He has received a plethora of awards but to name just a few, he was awarded the:
Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award
The Niwano Peace Prize for his interfaith work and initiatives.
The Bethlehem Star Award from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (2005), and
The Human Rights Award from the United Nations Association.
We hope you will take the time to listen to Bishop Younan’s words of wisdom and compassion. We’re sure it will give you hope that there truly are people working on Peace all year long, and not just during holiday time. Thank you and May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.