PEACE with Penny

Tomer Cohen, Co-founder Tech2Peace


PEACE with Penny SEASON 2: Penny S. Tee interviewed Tomer Cohen, Co-founder of Tech2Peace, December 14, 2021. PEACE with Penny spoke with an organization that is an incredibly hot commodity. It was our last interview of the year and boy it was sizzling! Tech2Peace uses the attraction of teaching computer skills and entrepreneurship to Israelis and Palestinians together with the possibility of a start-up to align their company with sponsors like Google, Microsoft and MIT, Wow!

Founded in 2017, Tech2Peace is a joint Israeli-Palestinian NGO that hosts two-week long intensive seminars for young Palestinians and Israelis, blending technology/entrepreneurship training, conflict dialogue, and social activities, along with continued community-building events post-seminar. Tech2Peace’s mission is to build a community of Israelis and Palestinians who are devoted to coexistence and the peacebuilding process, and are capable of gaining employment in the high-tech sector with the possibility for some to include Arab-Jewish startups. They aim to build a strong community of Israelis and Palestinians who hold greater empathy towards the other side in the conflict, and work both as a group and individually from their positions in society towards greater peace and co-existence.

Hearing about a program that brings Israelis and Palestinians together to work cooperatively especially in such a hot industry as high-tech, is inspiring and very productive. We hope you will enjoy listening and learning with us! This, and all of the recordings can be found here on under Podcasts or the PEACE with Penny Facebook page.

Thank you and May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.

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