PEACE with Penny: Penny S. Tee Interviews Khaled Abu Awwad, an Award-Winning Palestinian Peace Activist. Khaled Abu Awwad, is a Palestinian Peace Activist, and given his past history and personal losses, you never would have predicted that today he would work on Peace with Israeli settlers. His tragic family story chronicles the inhumane Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the forces that brought him to see the enemy, no longer as “monsters,” but as humans with their own tragic narratives to tell. Two of Khaled’s brothers were killed, and his son was maimed. He, and many members of his family who were leaders in the First Intifada, including his brother Ali Abu Awwad, and his mother Fatma, who was close with Yasser Arafat, spent years in jail. How did he transform his life from being a victim to a survivor? I hope his story of transformation despite incredible odds will inspire you to realize that change is always possible.
Let me say this has been great listening to the Peace work that Khaled and Roots-Shorashim-Judur does. This was the last episode of PEACE with Penny for this season. We will be taking a two-week break during the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
We will be back on September 21st at our usual 11am Pacific Time. We are starting off the new season with an exciting first interview with Huda Abuarquob. She is the first on-the-ground regional director of the Alliance for Middle East Peace or (ALLMEP), a network of more than 100 civil society organizations working in conflict transformation, development, and coexistence in the Middle East among Palestinians, Israelis, Arabs, and Jews. She has years of experience in conflict transformation, NGO leadership, and social change education and activism, as well as a life-long commitment to building strong people-to-people relations across conflicts.
We hope you will join us. To our listeners Thank You. No matter what holidays you celebrate, or even if you don’t, Let me end with a New Year’s wish of Shana Tovah, a wish for a healthy and happy New Year for you and your family and as always…
May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام,
Penny S. Tee