I’m Penny S. Tee. I’m a vodcaster, (podcaster with videos and pictures, etc.) author, speaker, educator, mom and wife. I started “PEACE with Penny,” in January 2021, boy, time flies. It helps me continue to live out my desire to work on Peace. At PEACE with Penny, we have an extensive library of interviews. Not enough people realize that there are many Peace (I always capitalize Peace, it’s so important!) organizations comprised of Israelis and Palestinians who work on Peace together from many different avenues such as science, education, art, music, medicine, sports, interfaith, diplomacy, conservation, transportation, women, young, and old. The list may be surprising, if you have an interest, there’s probably a Peace organization working together using what people enjoy participating in as a bridge to Peace, or you can always start your own : )
The S is for Schwartz, my maiden name and you guessed it, I’m Jewish. I’m married and I also have a son who I’m sure will make his presence known throughout my writing, because once you become a mom, well your kids are always on your mind. Parenting is every cliché. My husband is also Jewish, and their family name was changed on Ellis Island. Personally, I think the immigration official was wishing he was golfing because the family name was really Tilkin, not so hard to spell, and he changed it to Tee. We’re still getting used to being empty nesters. Boy is that different!
I’m also a lifelong learner. I was always the kid that loved school. I think it’s because school was where I’d get the “attagirls” from teachers, unfortunately not from home. When I think of my childhood, Maya Angelou’s famous quote comes to mind, “If they knew better, they’d do better.” I believe teachers are the unsung heroes of our communities. I will always be grateful to Mrs. Hernansky for her kindness and Mrs. Borden who taught me to love to read. Can you relate?
I’ve studied with and read the works of many spiritual teachers like Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle and Jean Houston, the list is quite long. I’ve spent lots of time trying to understand my past—you too? Studying yourself is key. Today I live in the present. Ahh, that’s better. I try to help others DREAM BIG! TRY IT! And BECOME THE BEST YOU!
BLASTED from COMPLACENCY: A Journey from Terror to Transformation in Israel
“BLASTED from COMPLACENCY: A Journey from Terror to Transformation in Israel.” I’m proud to say earned #1 Amazon New Release in six categories. The adventure begins with the true account of our family’s Israeli vacation when we found ourselves at war. It was in the beginning of Operation Protective Edge, in the summer of 2014.
Let me tell you, there is no chapter in a parenting book on what to do when a war starts when you are on vacation! Think touring extraordinary, historic and sacred sites, and tourist attractions mixed with cowering in bomb shelters. I’m still trying to get over the Jewish guilt of taking my son to war for his Bar Mitzvah present! As you can imagine, there was a lot of second guessing about whether we should stay or get out of dodge.
My experiences changed me and began to unveil a path to what feels like my life’s calling. How can we help? What can we do each day to take at least a small step toward inner and outer Peace?
We were only in Israel for two weeks, yet it was the nexus for me finally finding my true purpose in life. I had somewhat fallen into accounting in my teens and that was my backbone that I relied on for many years. It paid the bills well. I worked for major companies like Deloitte and Touche as a consultant and the Los Angeles Times and Arrowhead Drinking Water, as an accounting manager. I also have an M.B.A. from the University of Southern California.
I got married at the ripe age of 41 and at 44 became a mom. I feel being a mother is the most important role I will ever aspire to perform. It’s also the hardest and most rewarding.
It’s my goal in my book to inform my readers on many different levels. BLASTED from COMPLACENCY: A Journey from Terror to Transformation in Israel reveals that before our trip, I was content to care about Israel from afar. I lived in a safe, American bubble – but now I truly have tremendous empathy for Israelis, Palestinians and the world—including myself. I see each step forward, small or large as a process toward the intention of Peace. What will stop this useless loop of violence? From our own destructive thoughts of I’m not good enough to missiles seeking human targets – it needs to STOP NOW!
Finding Peace, Writing, Reading, Parenting (most days), Travel, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Learning
The themes of www.PennySTee.com authentically reflect who I am. Over the years, I’ve learned that no one achieves anything worthwhile without the help of other people. This picture reflects this. If you notice, there are the branches out in front and then an almost separate, strong solid branch behind. I took it in a place where I sometimes meditate, and I noticed it recently : ) I’d like for you to join me and help me be a stronger vodcaster, writer, mom, wife and friend. I’m very grateful for the family and friends who have supported me along my sometimes-bumpy path.
I’m looking forward to also making many new friends. I’d love to have some discussions with you about what your journey has been like.
I don’t know who we’ll be tomorrow, but I can assure you that change is the only certainty. Changing consciously is what I strive for. Deepak Chopra says that every few weeks due to our cells changing, we are new people. He continues that “you will never be exactly who you were yesterday or who you will be tomorrow.” I hope you like who you see when you look in the mirror, and if not, remember, you have the power to change that. It’s not easy, but always worth the effort!
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To my traveling companions, I say “L’Chaim,” which means To Life! Thanks for Joining Me On My Journey and May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام.
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