PEACE with Penny

Jews, Muslims and Christians Give Thanks by Feeding the Hungry

Jews, Muslims & Christians Feed the Hungry Thanksgiving 2015

Sunday I attended a wonderful event.  It did my heart good in so many ways.  Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church donated their space for the event. Leading the event were three clerics, Pastor Karl Stuckenberg, Rabbi K’vod Weider and Sheikh Yassir Fazaga.  Surrounding me were other Jews, Muslims and Christians.  We were all celebrating in gratitude for the bounty that we are privileged to share.  This was our way of giving back during this period of Thanksgiving.  We were partnering with Stop Hunger Now.  We gathered to help pack meals for the world’s hungry.

All three religious leaders spoke and what they had to say made me stop and think. The representative from Stop Hunger Now was authentically and passionately moved by his calling to stop hunger in this world.  At times his emotions overcame him as he talked about the thousands of hungry dying on a daily basis – especially the children.  An opening prayer was said.  Here’s some of the poignant comments that the Imam said referring to the terrorists recently in the news:

From the left: Rabbi K'vod Weider and Sheikh Yassir Fazaga
From the left: Rabbi K’vod Weider and Sheikh Yassir Fazaga

“These people focus on the sensational.  They get the spotlight on them and then we have to constantly say, like a broken record, these people don’t represent us. These people do not speak on our behalf.  It’s a perverted form of religion that’s got nothing to do with Islam and humanity.  You absolutely have to give up some of your humanity, if not all of it, to be capable of doing the kinds of things that these people do.  Unfortunately, they do it and every time they say it is in the name of God.  There’s nothing Godly about killing people and murdering people wherever they may be.  If you have not heard this from us before, let’s be very, very clear about this.  Believe me when I tell you, these people represent no one, but themselves.  Things do not become Godly because somebody invokes the name while they are doing it.  In fact if anything, it is Devilish, it is Satanic, it is inhumane. It is nothing like what we believe in and what we teach and what we do.  So I really hope that this message is clear out there and that it is not just the silent majority that I represent.  I believe that I represent the unheard community out there.  So events like this are really important.” 

The room was packed and we had a great time.  There were all ages helping.  Most wore typically modern clothes.  Some ladies were wearing the hijabs (the Muslim head coverings) and others wore abayas (the full black covering over their clothes).  All of us were doing a variety jobs, packing the meals.  Stop Hunger Now raises funds and holds food packing events either at their warehouse or at host locations.  You are asked to donate money in advance of the event.  It only costs $.29 per meal, so our money would go a long way : ) On their website they explain that “the meals are shipped throughout the world to support school feeding programs, orphanages, and crisis relief. The food is stored easily, transported quickly, and has a shelf-life of two years.”1

We gathered at tables in an assembly line fashion.  There were funnel filling stations with people from the various backgrounds and ages assembling bags filled with rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and a flavoring mix that includes 23 essential vitamins and minerals into small meal packages. The young ones were often used as “runners” bringing the sealed bags to the boxing area.  It made me especially joyful to see the young ones who will put this experience in the back pocket of their minds.   One day they will grow to be adults working to make this world a better place to live.

I was working next to a very nice lady wearing an abaya, covering her from head to toe, to show modesty.

Thanksgiving 2015 Jews, Muslims and Christians packing meals
Thanksgiving 2015 Jews, Muslims and Christians packing meals

Everyone in the room donned hair nets and plastic gloves to keep it sanitary.  In my head I briefly reminisced about the years I spent working at ITT Continental Baking Company – most recognizably to you as Hostess where you could find Twinkies, Ding Dongs and donuts.  I was working as an accounting manager.  However, the location of the lunch room required that we would put on these lovely white hair net fashion statements as we walked by the production line. So many Ding Dongs dancing in my head and a few that hit my hips…sorry, back to our event.

Anyway, at my table, some of us were putting the final spoonfuls of rice into the bag and weighing it to insure that the proper weight was maintained.  My job and the woman’s next to me, was to seal the bag with these simple machines.  You picked up the weighed bag, squeezed the air out as much as possible, aligned the top of the bag, shoved the top  under the handle insuring the plastic of the bag fed through to the other side and brought the handle down on the imprinted line across the bag and, voila! The bag was sealed.  Or at least the bag is supposed to be.  Apparently, I had to undergo remedial bag sealing because throughout the course of our time either the sealer was broken or I wore it out.  Mine had to be replaced three times by the very kind Imam.  He would come to my rescue, crouch under the table to pull out the electrical cord, take away the broken sealer and return once again to crouch beneath the table with my next victim, I mean sealer.  Ah yes, let’s check – the red light comes on and it’s heating up – it’s working : ) It was a flurry of unsealed bags, sealed bags, containers, scales, sealers, flying fingers, and yells for, “Runner!” as we filled yet another tray of sealed bags ready to be carried to the next packing station. We all joked and laughed with each other.  At times, we became a bit competitive as to who was faster.  Was it the weighers or the sealers who were faster now?  Periodically, there would be a loud announcement, “We’re up to 6,000 meals!”  In all, we packed 20,000 meals.  I even managed not to burn myself on the sealer : )

The meals will be distributed through various “feeding programs operated by partner organizations in developing countries that promote education, encourage children to attend school, improve students’ health and nutrition, address gender inequalities, stimulate economic growth, fight child labor, and are part of the movement to address global issues.”2

In a couple of days, it will be Thanksgiving. A day when most of us overstuff ourselves with all of our favorite foods, lovingly prepared. It’s a day of excess.  For us, this is a wonderful, fun time of the year.  Yet, as we know, there are unfortunately others who don’t share the same privilege – even in our neighborhoods of Orange County.  Some of you may be shocked to learn that nearly half of our kids in our school system require subsidized lunches.  That’s 222,000 kids, now that they are on Thanksgiving break, potentially not receiving the food that they rely on when school is in session.3 No brown, plump turkey with bread stuffing and pumpkin pie for them.  I don’t tell you this to spoil your holiday, but to make you aware.  The first step in correcting any problem is to know that there is one.  Take a few moments this holiday to consider your blessings. Hug and kiss and hold your kids close.

Thanksgiving is an interesting word.  Thanks-giving.  It’s a day when we take time to take a pause and be grateful for the blessings in our lives.  It’s a day when we put into the forefront of our minds appreciation for the opportunity to be so blessed that we can give back. Everyone can be thankful and give back.  Giving isn’t only monetary.  Even if all you can afford is a smile and thank you for the clerk at the grocery store.  With that simple act, you have strengthened the love in your heart.  You have made the world a better place. This is how we spent our Sunday.  As the rabbi said in his remarks, “I know of no other place that I would rather be.”  L’ Chaim!  (To Life!)


1  Stop Hunger Now

2  Stop Hunger Now

3  Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County