How Do I Feel? HAPPY!!! excited, nervous, curious—a whole roller coaster of feelings. A new website look and the ability to purchase “Blasted from Complacency: A Journey from Terror to Transformation in Israel,” online. Whoohoo! Life is always about change and how we handle it.
Mostly it’s been exciting but after the last few weeks it’s best for me to keep a bottle of Lady Clairol handy and BOY IT’S A GOOD THING I DON’T DRINK!
My heart has been very full reading congratulatory comments on my Facebook page, texts and emails from family, friends and readers who are very kind and have Joined Me On My Journey… over these nearly five years! I’ve been hearing from people from so many parts of my life, which has warmed my heart and for which I am grateful—from my childhood, high school, temple and so many organizations that I’ve belonged to now and from the past—and folks I don’t know but who follow me. I am truly blessed.
The blurbs (author’s lingo for testimonials) that I chose for my book cover meant so much to me! First of course folks who know me understand that I adore the iconic Jean Houston and look at her as if she’s my spiritual mother. I’ve taken eight classes with her now for months at a time and even spent time at her house learning from her mentorship. For her to say my writing was “superb,” take the time to not only read my book but call to congratulate me and write my endorsement as well, I count that as one of the top thrills of my life.
Dr. Jean said, “the way she moves from viewing monuments to the war spawned maelstrom of madness is as thrilling as it is chilling. What Penny and her family learn about themselves and human courage is a testament to the endurance of our species and the hopes we all have of creating a world that works for all.”
Next was Russell F. Robinson, the CEO of the Jewish National Fund reading my book and writing a testimonial. I share much commonality with the Jewish National Fund. The first of a couple examples is that we both care about Israel and want it to be presented in a fair light. In my way of thinking, a country always has varied opinions about what they do, but when outright hatred is spewed and presented throughout the world as fact, often with anti-Semitic, destructive intentions—that went too far for me to ignore. Another connection is that I am now proud to be part of the Jewish National Fund’s Speakers Bureau. I look forward to sharing my story and teaching what I’ve learned.
Russell said my book is a “…compelling and wonderful story. An awakening for sure! The motto of the Jewish National Fund is to teach our leaders that you must stand up and be counted. Your book exemplifies that.”
The last endorsement I’ll specifically mention was from Dr. Carole Lieberman. She has many accomplishments including being a famous psychiatrist, honoree of three Day-Time Emee Awards, radio host and author of “Lions and Tigers and Terrorists, Oh My,” How to Protect Your Child in a Time of Terror.
Dr. Carol said, “Blasted from Complacency blasts you into a beautiful, spiritual, and magical place, Israel. There, author Penny S. Tee guides you along her journey from bar mitzvah rites to bomb shelters and back, all the while keeping you entertained and well-fed like the good Jewish mother that she is.”
Being a devoted mom and protecting our children is always in the forefront of my mind and what kids in Israel suffer through, from bombings to mandatory service in continual warfront conditions greatly concerns me.
And there’ve been many other endorsements and I’m very appreciative that people took the time to read my heart-felt book and write testimonials. You can read them now on my website—another change.
What took so long for me to finish writing? First I had to decide to write a book about our experience and then once I decided—find out how. Writing the book has been its own adventure and I often say that the missiles heading toward us as human targets made me want to work on Peace, and while writing my book I realized I have been working on Peace all of my life, but it has been internal. I truly believe other than having my son, that this is what I’m on Earth to do.
Sometimes I think—couldn’t the Universe or God have thrown in a little more testosterone for me to be braver? But then again as a woman in her sixties, be careful what you wish for (ladies I’m sure you would agree looking in the mirror searching for anything that needs to be plucked is not fun). Even I get frustrated at times with my chickenhood but what could I expect from all of those years of chicken soup?
So now I’m opening the pre-sale, which will be for the eBook only. What is a pre-sale you might wonder. It’s a way to build momentum, have folks purchase the eBook in advance for a greatly reduced price (70% OFF!) and receive bonuses for buying my book in advance. Thank You!
The book will be released on July 2, 2019, five years since our fateful trip. In the meantime, you’ll receive the first chapter and if you sign up for our mailing list, I’ll also send you some of my favorite photos that I took in Israel. Sounds like such a deal, doesn’t it : ) If you prefer to have a printed copy, I’d be happy to offer printed books to be purchased on July 2, 2019.
More praise for Blasted from Complacency: A Journey from Terror to Transformation in Israel…
As a mother, I could feel the anxiety in every turn of the page as Penny S. Tee shared her journey with her husband and son through Israel, the country of their faith. Blasted from Complacency is an enthralling account of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the ground during the bombings. As a result of her experience, Penny has met and is working with peacekeepers to make a difference in the world, and she invites the reader to also become involved. An excellent read.
—Mary Sue Rabe, Founder and Director of Women Healing the World, and Author of Stand There and Look Pretty, Darlin’
Penny S. Tee’s Blasted from Complacency is a dynamic yet thoughtfully written personal account of the author’s frightening, life-changing experience on a 2014 vacation in Israel, when bombs started flying and bomb shelters became her family’s alternative accommodations. As a reader, I felt I was right beside her and her family through this terrifying experience. She imparts an appreciation for Jewish tradition and history and how important Israel is to Jews worldwide. Yet she also shows empathy for the Palestinian civilians, whose lifestyle and future are in the hands of politicians who seem to value propaganda more than Palestinian lives. Penny’s life’s purpose, to contribute to peace between Palestinians and Israelis, is admirable, and I wish her every success in the steps she takes on this very personal journey that’s so important to the world.
—Founder and Owner of and
As you journey with Penny S. Tee on her family vacation in Israel, you will experience her anxiety, fear, and her constant monitoring of social media as she sought to keep her family safe under the ever changing and increasing signs of discord. Upon her return to the United States, she sought to gain knowledge from her insights and experiences, seeking to understand what had happened and to find a way to channel her learning into making a positive impact on the world. Her explanation of what can be done by each of us to seek peace wherever we are is worthy of note and encourages us to follow this path. Let us join Penny as she continues her journey to transform the world, one day at a time.
—Lila M Larson, Author of Small Business Big Growth, 50 Tips to Get Clear, Get Focused, Get Better Results
Blasted from Complacency is ultimately a love story—love for one’s country of ethnic origin, love for family and friends, love of self, and a surprising empathy for those who are perceived as enemies. Penny S. Tee weaves her family’s story of a vacation to Israel with her insights gained from finding herself in the middle of the 2014 Israel/Gaza conflict. Her work is a gift to those seeking to better understand both what is going on in the Middle East and their personal reactions to it.
—Charlene A. Derby, Author of “A Boy Learns to Bake Series”
What do you get when a vacation goes awry in a war zone? You get Blasted from Complacency, Penny S. Tee’s warm, compassionate, and often passionate tale of her journey of self-discovery to peace and making the world a better place to live. It is a must read for anyone who has ever questioned their purpose in life. This page-turner will leave you yearning for more of Penny’s gentle and self-deprecating humor, sprinkled with sage advice. Not to be missed: Penny’s comprehensive list of resources so you may begin your own journey of self-discovery—in the express lane.
—Cindy S. Rubin, Orange County, CA
Penny S. Tee’s book, Blasted from Complacency, opens the door of hope to someday finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The first-hand experience she lived during a family trip to Israel opened her eyes to her life’s purpose. Penny’s transformational journey is inspiring, and the life lessons she shares are an amazing tool for anyone trying to fulfill their life’s calling. On either side of Israel and Palestine are human beings who have stories that need to be heard, without assumptions and with true empathy. Penny’s book is a must read to start to understand the history of the area and what people who are immersed in the conflict go through.
—Lucila Diaz, Vancouver, BC
Penny S. Tee’s life was shattered—in the best sense possible. Everything about her life changed after the terrorist attack. The unexpected changes they brought about is what makes Blasted from Complacency a thrilling and essential read.
—Bill Valle, Author of Tips to Fight Dry Eye That Work
So it’s finally time to share with my readers, long-time and new, the terrifying experience that changed my life for the good. I hope you enjoy the journey and if so, I’d appreciate it if you would add a positive testimonial in the comments and/or my Facebook page. I hope you have fun reading, I’d love to hear from you and thanks for Joining Me on My Journey…
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