BLASTED from COMPLACENCY: A Journey from Terror to Transformation in Israel, is the true account of our family’s Israeli vacation when we found ourselves at war. This was the beginning of Operation Protective Edge, in the summer of 2014.
There is no chapter in a parenting book that offers advice to a Mom about how to handle touring sacred and historic sites by day mixed with cowering in bomb shelters. At times our fear was palpable as we felt the percussion of our new-found BFF (Best Friend Forever), Iron Dome, blowing up the missiles. Outwardly, Israelis are stoic. But do they wonder whether the next time their relatives will be saying the mourner’s Kaddish (the Jewish prayer for the dead) for them?
This book is about our once in a lifetime adventure, realities that are difficult to comprehend and sometimes face, personal discovery and trying to find Peace within and amidst the shattered shards of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Mostly it’s about being human. It exposes our vulnerabilities and mistakes as well as celebrates our triumphs of spirit. If only they could truly see each other through their sisters’ eyes, wouldn’t Peace prevail? There are so many similarities between the two peoples yet extremists focus on creating a deeper chasm.
Amazingly, there is still hope. There are heroes that are succeeding in taking steps toward reconciliation. Come join me on my journey from the safety of your home.
Penny S. Tee is available for speaking engagements. Please contact at
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