As Ramadan Approaches, Will the Peace Hold? What Peace? The Peace achieved in the towns of Husan, Beitar Illit and Tzur Hadassah. If you don’t know what this Jewish American woman is talking about, read Part I or you can check out the video which I’ve attached for anyone that wants to view Part I instead of reading.
Ramadan, the Muslim fasting holiday, begins at dawn and ends at dusk with a celebration, and is considered one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The fast starts after a pre-dawn meal called the suhur, and the meal at sunset is the iftar. So, it seems that it’s lunch and no drinking that is omitted from the day’s pleasures. Not being allowed to swig my seltzer water makes me thirsty just thinking about it. And working under those circumstances stresses me out just thinking about their sacrifices. But of course, I’m an outsider and I imagine if I was Muslim, I’d be happy to observe, or at least accommodate the practices. Lasting a whole month sounds especially difficult. Additionally, sex is off-limits. The point of the holiday is for introspection, to become closer to God and their community, and to do good deeds. 1
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May You Live in Peace, שלום and سلام
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