Dear Friends,
These are my sincere wishes for you for the new year. It is my hope for you that when you look back at the end of 2016, that it will have been the best year of your life. Here’s to a wonderfully, happy, healthy and prosperous year. L’Chaim! (To Life!)
- May You find Peace within
- May You remember that You are response-able for Your re-act-ions, pause and choose Love1
- May You realize that Life happens in the Present, the past is gone and the future hasn’t happened – Be Present2
- May You learn the lessons that your children are here to teach You3
- May You listen with an undistracted, compassionate ear
- May You realize that forgiving gives You freedom, not doing so is Self-destructive4
- May You choose your friends wisely, they are Your family by choice
- May You remember that our time on Earth is precious and finite – make it count
- May You discover the desire and strength to take action when you see injustice
- May You understand that when people hurt you, that if they knew better, they would do better – forgive them5
- May You be your best friend
- May You learn something new every day
- May You be Grateful for Everyone and Everything that happens in Your Life Good and Bad – if we look closer at what we perceive as bad today, sometimes called failure, it’s a lesson we will understand tomorrow6
- May You share the gift of your soul with the World – we need You
This I wish for you in the New Year and Always,
Penny S. Tee
Many of these blessings are based on the teachings of several profound teachers. I may not have used their exact words, but I have tried to convey their messages. If the words call to you, research the teachers. It will be well worth your time:
1 Jean Houston is credited for the emphasis on the words responsibility (response-ability) and re-act by hyphenating them. She teaches that what you do in life is not only your responsibility, but that you have the ability to respond. She also teaches that when you have a reaction, it’s literally a re-action – you’ve acted in this way before. It’s a pattern. Look closer, is that what you want for your life? Gary Zukav in his teachings attributes our emotions to either Fear or Love, advises you to pause before you react, and then choose Love as your response.
2 Deepak Chopra
3 Dr. Shefali Tsabary
4 Iyanla Vanzant
5 Maya Angelou
6 Everyone who has ever succeeded greatly can tell you of times when they thought they had failed.
Cheers to you in 2016, Penny! Wishing all of the same for you. Gratitude for sharing these ever important concepts from these wise metaphysicians, spiritual leaders, and other experts in the human condition but in true Penny S. Tee form. We appreciate you!